2024/01/18 - Big Sesh Update

2024/01/18 - Big Sesh Update

  • by @Steve Klabnik

Hello everyone, and welcome to our first announcement! Here’s what we’ve got today:

  1. An announcement channel
  2. Sesh timezone settings
  3. LFG templates

An announcement channel

I am also creating an announcements channel in the Discord. I expect this to be relatively low-traffic, but I think it’s nicer to have an announcements channel rather than @everyone when one is needed. The goal will be to write these up here, so we don’t lose them, and link to them from the channel.

I have left the “create a thread” permission open so that if you’d like to discuss an announcement, you can create a thread on it.

Sesh timezone settings

One thing that sucked about sesh is that the time zone parsing was weird. I would type “9:30pm CST” and not realize we were in daylight savings time, CDT, and times would be an hour off.

Now, in sesh, you can configure things so that sesh uses your own timezone for scheduling. This is a per-user setting, I cannot make it the default for the server, so you’ll have to do it yourself. To do so, go to sesh.fyi and click “dashboard” in the upper right:


After logging in, you don’t even need to select a server: click in the same spot, and then choose “preferences” from the drop-down:


You’ll want to set your own personal timezone and then choose it for parsing:


Much easier!

LFG Templates

Sesh is a little awkward with setting up events. But a new thing dropped today that’s pretty cool!

Rather than create an event via /create in #lfg, I would encourage you to create your event from the sesh website. This is because it will allow you to use a new feature: event templates!

After logging in, choose our server:


and then create event:


Now, I know what you’re thinking: you may think you want to choose the “template” link in the upper right. This is a trap! This lets you create an event templated after an event that already occurred. You can do that if you’d like. But the real trick is down below, in the “advanced” section. You want to click “Modify” in the lower left here:


This will give you options for RSPV’ing. In the upper left is a “Preset” menu with a drop-down that lets you choose a preset:


I have made these first four initial templates. If you’d like a new one, just let me know, I am happy to add more.

I have also changed our standard Raid template:


A thing that has developed lately is, some people already have everything they need from a raid, but are happy to help out in case the raid doesn’t fill. So I’ve added a “ping if needed” section. That way, we can still give priority to those who are committed or want to fill if someone has to drop, yet also record that if after all that, stuff doesn’t fill, please send a ping for help filling.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns about anything 😃