
2024/04/19 - Inactivity Kick

We're almost at 100 members now, which is great! But also, important to recognize that this community is bigger than just a couple of us best friends. We (the admins) might make some more changes in the future, but there's a thing we want to do in the near term, and that's kick some folks we don't recognize or know. A lot of you are computer people and already recognize this kind of thing from normal security policy things, but what's kicking this off right now is an article that's going around (link below) about a site that's scraping Discord, storing people's personal info, and selling it to places like KiwiFarms. We don't currently believe anyone here is doing that, but all it takes is a compromised account, which can happen to anyone. Therefore, we'd like to try to minimize the possibility of this happening, hence the decision to kick some folks. The initial critera for being kicked is: hasn't said a damn thing since joining. They are welcome to re-join (please invite them personally if you know them instead of making an invite link), but we're kicking them for the time being. Thanks for understanding, and as always, any feedback or thoughts are welcome, in public channels or in DMs.
