
Deep Stone Crypt

Key Concept: Augments & Terminals

Throughout this raid, there will be two or three augments in play at any given time. Each augment confers a special role in the encounter. Augments spawn at a terminal or from an ad, must be interacted with to pick up, and may be deposited at terminals. If an augment is deposited at a terminal, it is available for pickup at any terminal.

In later encounters, augments may become deactivated after suppression. In that case, the augment must be dunked in a terminal, and that guardian will be locked out (via a debuff) that will prevent them from picking up an augment for a bit.

Servitors will prevent the terminals from being used while alive, so kill them quickly.

The augments and their general roles are as such:

  • Scanner [yellow]: see hidden information
  • Operator [red]: shoot mechanisms
  • Suppressor [blue]: suppress the boss to enable other mechanics to occur

Opening: Sparrow Maze


Just ad clear

Open the hatch, and sparrow through to the first bubble. From then on, sparrow between bubbles. When outside bubbles, you’ll slowly freeze until you die at 10 stacks. When inside bubbles, your stacks will gradually tick down. Watch out for the spider mines.

Secret Chest 1

From the final bubble, face away from the final exit door. Look at the cliffs to your left, hop up, and curl around up and to the left. There’ll be a chest, and you’ll see the final bubble again just below you. This chest is on a timer so don’t open it till everyone’s at the final bubble.

E1: Crypt Security

  • Ad clear + Overload
  • A heavy weapon for popping the fuses: Fourth Horseman, Xeno, or a machine gun (you’ll have somewhat heavy flinch and no Well, so be aware)
Points of Interest
  • the two sides, light and dark
  • the fuses around the core: left, middle, and right (relative to those on that side), on both dark and light
  • the terminals in the upper part each side
  • the stairs to the basement
  • the 5 switches in the basement on each side, starting near the basement at 1 (4 and 5 are the two close to each other)


  • split up into 2 teams of 3: light and dark
  • elect a scanner for each side, and an operator, who is traditionally on the light side to begin. You may also want to elect a dark side operator in case you don’t one-phase the switches.

Phase 1: Reading

Have an operator grab the augment from the terminal, and head down stairs, opening the doors by shooting the red-covered panels next to the door (only operator can do this). Do not cross the threshold of the doorway until after the next step is complete.

Meanwhile, a Hacker Vandal will spawn with scanner. Kill it post-haste, and have a scanner read that side by looking down through the windows at the switches on the pillars. 2 (per side) will be glowing. Then, put scanner into a terminal, at which point the other scanner will retrieve it and read their side.

At this point, the operator will enter the room and shoot the panels read out by the scanners. A panel will mark at “shot” by showing the operator symbol and then going invulnerable. Starting from the first shot, the operator has 1 minute before the basement overheats and kills them, so be quick and be careful when you start shooting. Coordinated teams will opt to not have the operator wait to enter, and shoot the panels as they’re called out, but this only saves a little bit of time and mistakes will punish you, so we don’t generally do it.

Make sure to kill the servitors up above to prevent the terminals from being disabled.

Once all switches have been shot, it’s time for Phase 2.

Phase 2: Fuses

At this point, the basement (operator) will pass the operator augment up and anyone should grab it (though if you decided to pre-assign a dark side operator, this is where they would be the designated person to grab it), and the upper scanner will pass the scanner augment down. Basement will now head to the core, use the scanner to identify which fuse is glowing yellow. They’ll announce that fuse (ex: “dark middle”, “light right”), at which point the guardians on that side will shoot that fuse until it breaks. Repeat until you run out of time with more fuses.

If you don’t get all fuses in a single phase, you’ll need to have the operator go down to the basement and let the basement person back up so they don’t burn to death. Alternatively, the basement person could pass scanner back up, and the operator could pass operator down, and then the basement person could let themselves out. This is more complicated, but also means only one person needs to know how to do operator. We usually choose to swap operators, as the simplicity is worth it.

Rinse and repeat from Phase 1 until all fuses are broken.

E2: Atraks-1


  • Operator ideally should have a ricochet rounds weapon. It’s not strictly necessary, but can be helpful.
  • Decide your DPS strategy. At the time of writing, the current ideal is The Parasite. Titans want Thundercrash with Cuirass of the Falling Star or Axes with Spirit of Stareater. Hunters want Golden Gun with Celestial Nighthawk (or Tether, but the burst from nighthawk is nicer). Prismatic Hunters may pair Smoke Bomb with Golden Gun to add a debuff.
Points of Interest
  • Ground
    • the drop pods near the rear of the room
    • the 4 Atraks-1 replica points: far left, near left, middle, and right at the rear of the room
    • the three augmentation terminals: center (lower back), left (blow the catwalks), and right
  • Space
    • the drop pods (same spot)
    • the 4 Atraks-1 replica points: left (back upper left), right (back upper right), center near (lower center, near pods), center far (lower center, near space)
    • the airlocks (2 on left and 2 on right, 1 above & 1 below)


  • Split up into 2 teams of 3: ground and space
  • From the space team, select an operator and a scanner
  • From the ground team, select a scanner
  • Make sure everyone knows how to scan and operate just in case

Phase 1: Initial Sequence

Have all space team except operator take the drop pods to space. Observe the details on the drop pods, and the prettiness of going to space. Maybe shout “space!” for fun.


Kill ads. After the first round of servitors, the Hacker Vandal will spawn with operator. Kill it, shout out where it is, and have operator grab it and go spacewards. Now kill ads, charge your appropriate DPS strat, etc.


Operator should send back down all drop pods by shooting the switches next to the space pods. Kill all servitors except one, traditionally the right hand servitor on the catwalk. Wait to kill the final servitor until you’re certain everyone is ready for DPS, but don’t wait too long otherwise the game will time you out and start damage anyway. When everyone’s ready, kill the final servitor proceed to Phase 2.

Phase 2: Reading & DPS

The replicas in space will begin channeling by holding their hands over their head. Scanner will be able to see 1 glowing replica. Call it out, count down 3, 2, 1, and then do burst damage to the replica before it finishes the channeling. Shooting the wrong replica or failing to do enough damage will wipe the encounter. After a short period, the replica will disappear, Atraks will be down a chunk of their HP, and the replica will turn into a small replication orb. We’ll discuss more about this orb in a moment.

The scanner should send their buff downstairs immediately, so that the downstairs scanner can pick it up.

But before we talk about the downstairs team, let’s talk more about the orb. Players can pick up the orb by walking over it, at which point they receive a debuff that will kill them if the timer reaches zero. But if the orb isn’t picked up by a player, the entire team will wipe.

There are two strategies for dealing with the orb: if you’re playing with @Steve Klabnik, he will be the operator and pick up the orb. If you are not playing with Stat, you want to make sure the operator does not pick the orb up.

Standard Strategy

Let’s talk about the standard strategy first. As we just said, a player other than the operator will pick up the orb.

If operator accidentally picks up the replication, they can use ricochet rounds to hit it off their own head, or call out that they need to trade the augment temporarily. Consider this foreshadowing for the Stat Strategy.

At this point, the operator and the person who pick up the orb will flush the replication by heading to one of the four airlocks, top and bottom, left and right. Generally it’s the operator’s job to choose which airlock, and call it out to the person who picked up the orb. (ex: “top right”, “bottom left”) Each airlock can only be used once to flush an orb until all four airlocks are used, so the operator will remember which airlock is used for this initial flush, and make sure to not repeat it for the next flush.

To flush the operator, have the operator shoot the panel by the airlock to open it. At this point, the person with the orb debuff will enter the airlock, and the operator will remove the debuff by shooting the glowing circle floating above that person’s head. This will clear the debuff, and re-spawn the orb on the floor. However, because the airlock is open, the orb will get sucked out into space, preventing a wipe from happening.

While this is going on, the third person should shoot any ads that appear, and stay alive.

Stat strategy

A slightly simpler strategy is for the operator to have Ricochet Rounds, and grab the orb themselves. They then choose an airlock, shoot it to open it, enter, and use the ricochet rounds to bounce rounds off of a wall and shoot the debuff off of their own head. This simplifies the encounter, removing the need for other players to worry about the debuff, but takes a bit of practice to get the bounce right.

Ground Team

Once the scanner is sent downstairs, ground will pick up the scanner and do the same thing as space: scanner sees the glowing replica, informs the team, everyone bursts DPS as hard as possible, and an orb is created. Send the scanner back up, and have someone pick up the orb and head upstairs. If ground scanner grabbed the orb, choose a new scanner for ground, as heading upstairs will take some time, and they may not make it back quickly enough.

While the person with the orb is heading upstairs, the space team will be scanning, doing DPS, and generating another orb. They will then pass scanner back downstairs, and have someone grab the orb. By now, the person with the orb from downstairs will have arrived upstairs. The operator will let both folks with the orb know which airlock is going to be used for flushing, and have both players enter the airlock, shoot both orbs off of their head, and the ground player returns back to the ground.

Repeat this cycle until Atraks’s overall health is 1 DPS phase from final stand, then call out “everyone up”. Head to phase 3.

Phase 3: Last bit of Damage & Final Stand

The ground team should head to space. If you’re doing good DPS, this will be right after the double flush, and so the ground person won’t even need to return back to the ground.

Depending on when people come up stairs, another round of servitors may spawn. In this case, kill the top servitors, and wait for the bottom servitors to time out. In any case, do the last bit of damage, and then final stand will occur.

Here, there will be twice as many Atraks replications as normal in space. Have your scanner call out which Atraks it is, and proceed to damage it.

Ideally, you will have a Thundercrash Titan with Cuirass of the Falling Star on your team. If you do, that alone is enough damage to end final stand.

If you do not do enough damage to end final stand in one phase, pick up the orb that was dropped by the replica, and have the scanner call out which replica to damage next.

Interlude: Spacewalk

Turn on your music. If it’s your first time through, tell everyone to shut up, and enjoy the time.

Secret Chest 2

Go to the left side of the central bit at the beginning of the walk, just after the first “windmill” portion. it’ll be on the 3rd platform.

E3: Descent

  • Ad clear + Overload
  • Primary with a little bit of distance and a reasonable fire rate
Points of Interest
  • The four bomb points, 2 at the far sides (left and right), and the two on the catwalks in the middle
  • the suppressor balls
  • the four bomb boxes (spawn left/window left/spawn right/window right or l1/l2/r1/r2)
  • the three terminals, left, right, and center (towards the right)

Note that there’s no prework; we use chaos strat. Everyone should know how to do all roles.

Phase 1: Ad clear

Clear ads, keeping an eye out for the 3 augments. Whoever sees one first should pick it up. The three guardians who do not get an augment are on bomb duty. Kill ads until the siren goes off, at which point Phase 2 begins.

Phase 2: OMG all the Mechanics

Operator should shoot any one of the glowing switches next to the bomb points, ideally one of the far ones. If you’ve successfully shot it, the operator symbol will show, and it will go from giving damage numbers to invulnerable. This will disable that bomb point, making only 2 bombs spawn instead of 3.

Scanner should call out which two of the boxes are active.

Supressor should stand under each of the the suppression points and shoot Taniks until he’s suppressed. He’ll go from glowing blue to not when on each successive shot. After the third shot, the boxes will unlock and someone’s augment will be disabled.

Bomb runners should grab bombs and run them to the active boxes, calling out which box you’re dunking in. Each box can only hold one bomb. Holding a bomb will accumulate radiation which will kill you at 10 stacks. Anyone not holding a bomb should stand by to take a bomb from a runner who’s high on radiation by interacting with them.

After the bombs are deposited, call out if your augment is deactivated, dunk it in the terminal, and have anyone that isn’t locked out pick it up. You’ll get a debuff called lockout which will prevent you from holding an augment for a bit.

Rinse and repeat from phase 1 until the door opens in between the boxes, at which point head to phase 3.

Phase 3: Run

Jump into the hole in the ground & run down the hallway, ignoring ads. The loot box is after you crash.

E4: Taniks! at the Disco

  • Operator needs a ranged primary (scout, pulse)
  • Suppressor needs a medium range primary with reasonable fire rate
  • Everyone should have a high-burst precision weapon (special unless your DPS weapon is special) for popping cores
  • Choose a ranged (short or medium) DPS strat — Div + precision works well, as do rockets. Either way you’ll want Well. You’ll be standing still with zero flinch.
Points of Interest
  • The three regions (clockwise from spawn): spawn, blue, and orange.
  • the two bomb boxes at each region: 1 & 2 for spawn, 3 & 4 for blue, and 5 & 6 for orange
  • the 3 suppressor points for each region
  • the rock near spawn between boxes 1 and 2 (the gathering point for DPS)
  • the 3 terminals, 1 per region


  • Assign an operator and suppressor.
  • Split into 3 teams of 2, and assign them to regions — spawn should have the operator, and orange should have the suppressor

Phase 1: Ad clear

Clear adds, making sure to kill the Captains quickly. Killing the captains spawns a second wave, which includes an ad carrying each of the augments: operator at spawn, scanner at blue, and suppressor at orange. Have your designed operator and suppressor pick up their augments, and either player at blue can pick up the scanner. We will not be doing the scanner mechanic, but it’s still worthwhile to pick up.

Eventually after a short period of time, Taniks will head towards spawn or orange. Call this out, and proceed to phase 2.

Phase 2: Bombs

Taniks will have glowing cylinders pop open from the engines of his quadcopter. Shoot them to pop the cores out. Meanwhile, Taniks will call down purple rain, which will one-shot you once it triggers, so keep moving. If you get too close, Taniks will ground stomp, and the area under Taniks will do DOT solar damage. Pop all four bombs quickly, and then have everyone but the operator and suppressor pick up one each. If you don’t pick them up quickly, they’ll wipe the encounter.

Then, operator should find the high ground, and suppressor should do the first two suppression points.

Everyone else should call out which bomb box they’re going to by number. Only the bomb boxes in the regions where Taniks is not are active. Run to your box. Taniks will occasionally detain guardians in a sphere. Operator should shoot the spots on the sphere to clear the detain, calling out each time (”first detain”, “second detain”). Once two detains happen, suppressor should do the third suppression, unlocking the boxes and deactivating an augment. If your augment is deactivated, stow it in a terminal and call it out.

If suppressor does all 3 suppression points before the second detain, it might deactivate operator, leaving detained guardians stuck. Wait till the call for the second detain being cleared.

Then head to the big rock near spawn between boxes 1 and 2, and proceed to phase 3.

Phase 3: DPS

Taniks will summon two whirlwinds of debris. Jump over the first one, landing in between the two (hitting a whirlwind kills you). Cast Well and wail. Eventually, Taniks will ground-stomp and send you flying out. Jump back in and continue. Stomp again, jump back in and continue (3 DPS parts total).

At this point, either you’re at final stand, or rinse and repeat from phase 1.

Phase 4: Final Stand

Taniks will teleport between the 3 regions. Call out where he is and wail.

What’s up with Scanner?

In the Old Days, instead of popping all four balls, teams would only pop two. The scanner would look for which two of the four boxes were glowing, and call them out. The two balls would be deposited in those boxes, and you’d go through another phase of shooting the other two balls off of Taniks, and then depositing them, and then DPS would start.

At this point, we don’t need to go so slowly, and so the “four-ball” strategy is what all teams use. This has the advantage of being faster, and making scanner redundant. Picking it up means that you have a chance of the scanner being deactivated after the first DPS phase, which means you can just ignore the deactivation entirely.

Incidentally, four-ball is the challenge for this encounter, and so you may get double loot!