Tips and Shortcuts
- Start of the strike
- Damage the boss to make them go away
- Hunter can invis past everything and into the hallway of the first encounter room to despawn all trash out front. Still able to get platinum
- Ferry Ride
- After jumping through the green portal at the end, hop up one platform to have an easier shot at killing the thrall on the ferry
- Swamp
- Have an invis hunter go ahead, sticking to the right edge of the arena as much as possible.
- Other folks stay at the end of the ferry ride and stay alive until things despawn
Boss Room
- always stay moving
- kill all trash before damaging boss
- use heavy and supers to burn barriers and hive knights immediately, these are the hardest parts of the boss fight
100% to 66% boss health
- thrall and cursed thrall spawn initially
- damage boss to 80%
- more thrall spawn
- damage boss to 66%
66% to 33% boss health
- 2 sword knights, 10 cursed thrall, 1 hive guardian spawn
- hive guardian always jumps from central platform to upper balconies
- burn the hive guardian and crush ghost
- then kill 1 of 2 sword knights, all thrall, then other sword knight
- boss returns with 2 barrier knights and acolytes
- burn acolytes and 1 barrier
- use supers and heavy to burn
- DPS boss to 50%, helmet comes off and running speed increases
- more acolytes and 2 barrier knights
- burn acolytes and 1 barrier
- damage boss to 33%
33% boss health to end
- 2 sword knights, 10 cursed thrall, 1 hive guardian
- follow same order as above, guardian, 1 knight, thrall, last knight
- boss returns with 8 thrall
- kill thrall
- damage boss to 25%
- 2 barrier knights and acolytes
- damage boss to 10%
- thrall spawns