
The Last Wish

Welcome to The Last Wish! This is one of the prettiest raids, so make sure to take a bit of a moment to take in the scenery if it's your first time through. Encounter-wise, it's also one of the longer raids, in the old style.

Because Bungie didn’t want to mess with this raid when they introduced Raid vendors, there’s a quest/bountie from hawk-lady in the tower that you’ll need to get before doing the raid if you want the chance to purchase red borders.

Entrance to the raid can be found in the Dreaming CIty.

More visual alternative guide

Key Concept: Symbols

This raid uses a number of symbols. Unlike newer raids, Bungie did not provide canonical names, so we have folk names instead. Some names are as follows:

8 Snake
uwu Snake
Split Snake
Infinity Snake
Standing Bird
Diving Bird
Branch Bird
Flying Bird
69 Fish
Up Fish
Seaweed Fish
Right Fish
Stabbed Dragon
Fire Dragon Left
Pole Dance Dragon
Fire Dragon Right

Key Concept: Eye of Riven

Throughout the raid, you'll find orange bar Taken Captains called Eye of Riven. When killed, they'll drop a Taken Essence item that can be picked up, and then triggered with the grenade key. While they appear most encounters, in modern times they're only used in some encounters, so in the others you'll want to ignore them.

Key Concept: Taken Strength

Taken Strength appear as Taken-colored orbs in a Taken-colored pillar. Jumping through the orb will pick it up, converting it into a Taken Strength buff. You may have up to 2 stacks of Taken Strength. Picking up or otherwise acquiring a third will kill you.

Intro: The Wish Wall (and getting there)

One of the neat parts about this raid is the presence of the Wish Wall, which allows modifiers to be set for the raid or to skip to certain encounters. The Wish Wall is located off to the side of the first encounter.

Of particular note, if this is your first time through, you'll want to visit the Wish Wall and enter Wish 1 (called A wish to feed an addiction in game), which will give you an additional chance at One Thousand Voices, the raid exotic, at the end of the raid.

Getting into the raid

You'll spawn into a large hall at the start of the raid, and Riven (of a Thousand Voices!) will start monologuing at you in one of her many voices. Listen for a moment, then look to the left, and you'll see one of the pillars on the side open up. Head in there. From there, jump over to the left by the big geode, and follow the path up and around. Jump over to the part that looks more like an actual building. On your right you'll see a large door, and then a bit further on you'll see another door. That second door is the entrance to Encounter 1, Kalli.

Pass by it to get to the wish wall.

Getting to the Wish Wall

Past the door to Kalli, you'll see a shallow stream to your left, and a pool ahead. If you hop down into the stream, you'll be able to see a small, lit-up rocky platform across. Jump to it (you'll probably want to jump from the higher ground, not the stream). Turn around & look up, and you'll see another platform up high. Jump to that, turn right, and follow the path. If you keep proceeding (jumping as necessary, you'll be at the Wish Wall).


See this article for all wishes. Some of them are fun (setting voices), some are useful (wish 1, teleporting to encounters, setting Petra's Run mode). For quick reference, Wish 1 is below


E1: Kalli

Legit Kalli

  • General: You'll want ad clear, you'll be facing taken thrall, and a Taken Knight (this one is important)
  • Boss DPS: Kalli has a crit spot and takes extra damage from precision. That being said, it's on the smaller side crit-spot-wise, so make sure you can actually hit it. Either way, you'll want range.
  • Supers: At least one Warlock should bring a Well or similar, Golden Gun is a good choice for Hunters. For Titans, IDK, get DeMarko to fill out this part
Points of Interest
  • The large pit at the center of the room
  • The symbols on pillars above the pit
  • the 3 sets of doors inside the pit
  • the plates with symbols above them around the room
  • the death pool in the back of the room (only useful for wiping quickly)


  • Assign people numbers, 1-6. The first couple numbers are the easiest, so learners may wish to take those. Alternatively, just go in fireteam list order.

Part 1: The Plates

When you enter the encounter, you'll see plates around the edge of the room, and 6 snake symbols near the ceiling around a pit at the center of the room. Take note of the these symbols, they'll match up to symbols over the plates. Have each person take a symbol, and find their plate without stepping on it (stepping on plates starts the encounter).

Once the encounter starts, you'll being trying to cleanse your plate. You do this by standing on one third of the plate (the third without a blight) and killing ads. Explosions from the blights will kill you if you're on one of the blight segments. The safe portion will change 3 times (unless you step off, in which case more may be necessary), after which a Taken Knight will spawn. Kill it to cleanse your plate.

Oh! Also to make things a bit more stressful, Kalli, the boss, will occasionally come bother you. Ignore her.

Part 2: Shoot the Boss

Once everyone has cleansed their plates, Kalli will appear around the edge of the center pit. Shoot her. A lot. If you don't One Phase her, eventually she'll start chanting and summon a thingy above her head.

This chanting is a count-down to an avoidable wipe mechanic. As she starts chanting, 6 doors will open. Remember that number that you took at the beginning? That's your cubby. Left to right, typewriter style, find your cubby and go hide. Only one guardian can be in a cubby. If someone dies, fewer cubbies will open in the future. If people fail to cleanse a plate, that's one less cubby too.

Come back out, rinse, repeat (Kalli will move to a new position on the edge of the pit). Some ads will spawn too, keep them in mind so that they don't screw up your aim. Each “already used” section of doors will remain open, only the “active” section of cubbies will keep you alive.

You've got 3 DPS sections to kill Kalli. If not, wipe, revisit your DPS, and try again (or in theory keep going buuuuut it depends on how close you are and your pride ;-) )

The Challenge

In this slight variation, you'll need to complete all the plates to spawn 3 ogres, which spawn from wrong plates being cleansed. Kill the ogres, and then kill Kalli.

Cheesy Kalli

// TODO: have one of the cheesy people fill this in

Interlude: Secret Chest One

Head across the the bridge. About half way, on the right side, you'll be able to drop down onto a small cave on the edge of the rocky pillar holding the bridge up. Then jump into the Taken portal to go back up.

E2: Shuro Chi

You can get into this encounter before starting it! Have a teacher show you how to go up the tall rock to the right of the entrance, and back in. It's useful for learning the raid.

  • There's no real boss DPS in this raid. You'll need something that can do chunky damage repeatedly for phasing Shuro Chi, though. Otherwise, just handle ads
  • The people on room-ad duty might want an ad clear super, but don't sweat it too much
  • Well is useful for helping people stay alive during tight timing on the plates in the room puzzle

Overall Encounter Flow

  1. Part 1 (kill ads, damage shuro chi, kill ads, damage shuro chi, kill ads)
  2. Part 2 (room puzzle)
  3. Part 1
  4. Part 2
  5. Part 1


  • Assign 3 people laser/nut roles
  • Assign 4 people (may overlap w/ laser/nut) numbers 1-4, call these the room plate team

Part 1: Ads and Shuro Chi

Cluster up by the door to enter the encounter. Kill ads. Occasionally, a chonky Taken Captain (orange bar) called the Eye of Riven will drop an orb (called something like Taken Essence). Do not pick it pp (it's for a mechanic that you don't need -- stunning Shuro Chi to extend her timer. If you can't phase Shuro Chi, revisit your DPS, you should be able to).

Eventually, you'll come to a pagoda, with 3 plates beneath it. Nuts will spawn on the plates. Standing on the plates will damage you. Have the 3 nut people grab the nuts, and then all at once jump on the plates, and shoot lasers clockwise (or just all in the same direction) at each other to form a triangle around Shuro Chi, until her shield breaks. Hop off the plates and wail on her till you phase her. Repeat until you come to a room.

Note that you'll be up against two timers here: first, the overall timer at the top of the screen, until Shuro Chi wipes you. This resets at the end of each room puzzle, below. Second, after you break Shuro Chi's shield, you must phase her before she completes her wipe animation. The wipe animation has the same cues as Kalli's, so you can watch for that for timing.

Part 2: The Room Puzzle

You'll find yourself in a room, with screens on 3 side. Start at the left side. There will be a picture on the wall in 9 parts, and also 9 plates (fancy that). 4 of the pieces of the picture will be missing. The room plate team will need to stand on the corresponding plates in order to complete the picture, with the left-most plate closest to the picture corresponding to the upper-left quadrant, and so on.

Wait till all four people are ready (call out when you're next to your plate), and then hop on. Once again, this the plates will damage you, so coordinating is important. Remember which plate you stood on.

Now, rotate 90 degrees to the "front" of the room, and do this again, but with a twist: no guardian can stand on the same plate more than once. So while “which plate means what” changes relative to where the picture is, each fixed plate remembers which guardians were on it. Call out if you need to switch plates, and trade with someone. Well may be useful here if people get low on health due to this.

Repeat a third time (with the same twist), at the right wall.

Once this is over, your wipe timer will reset. Jump up the hemispherical platforms, which will occasionally flip over (everyone argues as to what causes this), to get to the next level.

Rinse and repeat till you get to the end of the encounter (three parts of part 1 separated by 2 instances of part 2)

Interlude: Secret Chest 2

After exiting Shuro Chi and going down the spiral staircase and up the first tree, you'll come to some caves with two exits -- a near one on the left, and a far one on the right. Go out the near one, jump two trees to the right, turn around jump up, and then "double back" continuing up platforms/trees until you're up above the entrance at the chest.

Interlude: The First Jumping Puzzle

Everyone needs to complete this one individually. I cannot help you here; may god have mercy on your soul.

... ...

That's a lie, i can give you one tip: there're some fake exists throughout the puzzle; don't fall for them, use the one up high all the way at the end on the other side of the bridge.

E3: Morgeth

God, that's an ugly ogre.

  • Precision damage is good. Whisper is fun here, since you don't have to worry about small crit spots or moving bosses.
  • Well is needed here


  • Split everyone into two teams of three: right and left
  • Choose roles:
    • On one side, choose 1 initial grabber and 1 initial cleanser, and a secondary grabber
    • On the other side, choose 2 grabbers and secondary cleanser

Part 1: Collect Taken Strength


Start the encounter by having the initial grabber take the Taken orb in the center. This will will give you a buff called Taken Strength. The goal is for everyone to have two Taken Strength stacks, eventually. More than two stacks will kill you instantly. As they appear, the grabbers will collect Taken Strength by jumping through the orb. The cleanser must not collect Taken Strength.

Morgeth will spawn 2 Taken Strength per side (4 total). Once all Taken Strength on the field is collected, Morgeth will freeze (Umbral Enervation) one guardian with 2x Taken Strength. If you have two Taken Strength, head towards somewhere visible near the center of the room and try to stay visible. If you're frozen, call it out. You'll have a short debuff that will count down (10s); if you're not unfrozen before your debuff runs out, you'll die. A cleanser will need to unfreeze you.

If you're a cleanser, you'll want to keep an eye out (haha) for an Eye of Riven Taken Captain. Killing this will spawn a Taken Essence, which you'll need to unfreeze the collectors. There's a timer that counts down on these, but it's decently long. Once someone calls out that they're frozen, grab the Taken Essence, run over to them as fast as possible (you only have a short bit until they die), and use your grenade key next to them to unfreeze them. Once you do this, you'll steal their Taken Strength. This is why it's important the cleanser not have any Taken Strength before cleansing -- otherwise, cleaning would put them at >2 Taken Strength and thus kill them. Once the cleanser has cleansed once, they cannot cleanse again without dying, as they already have 2 Taken Strength.

Once most people have two Taken Strength (right after 2 cleanses), everyone with 2 Taken Strength should starting making their way over to the DPS spot behind Morgeth.

After 2 cleanses, a Taken Strength will appear in the center; indicating the start of the DPS timer. Whoever has fewer than 2 Taken Strength should grab it, and head to the DPS as well.

Optimized Technique

Have all grabbers grab a first stack of Taken Strength. Then, only the initial grabber will grab a second stack. All other grabbers should have zero or 1 stacks. This ensures that we know exactly who is gonna get frozen, and can ensure that they're close to the cleanser, and that the cleanser knows exactly where they are.

The cleanser will then cleanse the initial grabber. Then, Morgeth will spawn 2 more Taken Strength per side. On the initial side, folks with < 2 stacks will grab another stack. On the other side, the two grabbers will each grab a second stack.

Morgeth will then freeze someone with two Taken Strength, but we cannot be certain who it will be this time. The secondary cleanser will cleanse that guardian.

Finally, Morgeth will spawn one last Taken Strength, marking the start of DPS. Anyone with < 2 stacks will grab the final one. Proceed to DPS as above.

Part 2: DPS

For DPS, cast Well, and then unload on Morgeth. His crit spots are the glowing green fleshy sacks on his back, so it should be easy to hit them.

If you fail to one phase, you'll die, so re-evaluate your loadouts and try again (in theory there's a mechanism for multiphasing involving Taken Essence, in practice it's not needed).

E4: Vault

Know your shadow terminology.

Don't step on all 3 plates at once until you're ready to start the encounter.

  • Bring a sword, it'll be useful for the Eyes and the Taken Knights
  • Otherwise ad clear; there's no boss here
  • Suspend and slow are useful for the Taken Knights, as are burst damage supers
Points of Interest
  • the three rooms: rock, tree, and spawn
  • the plates just outside each room, around the machine in the center
  • the tunnels between rooms at the back of each room


  • divide in to 3 teams of 2
  • assign roles in each team of 2: reader, runner, and ad clear. Usually reader and runner are the same person

Part 1: Reading

Readers will step on their plates all at once. They'll see 3 symbols in front of them on the machine: left, right, and center. Spawn will call out their center symbol, which will also be on either the left or the right of one of tree or rock. Whoever has it will call out that they have it, and which side it's on: if it's on left we say penumbra, whereas for right we say antumbra. A useful mnemonic here for some folks is the word "pennant", which has "pen" on the left and "ant" on the right. Record which location matched and whether it was pen or ant, then have the that person read their center plate, and record that value. You do not need to do this a third time, since by the clan's favorite principle you'll know the final value when the time comes.

For instance, suppose spawn calls out "uwu snake", then rock sees that on their left, so they call out "my left, so rock penumbra" (someone enters that in chat). Then rock calls out "69 fish", which tree has on their right, so tree calls out "my right, so tree penumbra" (someone enters that in chat).

Part 2: Running

Everyone steps off their plates, and Taken "curtains" will block off two rooms, while the third will remain open. Whoever is the runner for that room will head to the back of the room and kill the Eye of Riven. Note that only the runner should go into the room, the ad clearer should never cross the line into the room, otherwise they can get stuck (this is recoverable, but makes it more likely that a knight will sacrifice -- see below). Once they've killed the Eye, they'll pick up the Taken Essence, and have a debuff that says penumbra or antumbra. They'll call this out.

Their room's curtain will close, and a new room will open. Someone that's not the runner will call out which room is open, and ideally also which dunk spot is remaining for that buff type, which may or may not be the same as the exit. The runner will run to the open room via the tunnels at the back of the room, go to the correct dunk spot, stand on that plate, and use their grenade key on the plate to dunk the buff. You cannot dunk on the same plate more than once, and you will have exactly the matching set of buffs to plates.

Pressing the grenade key early will waste the charge, dunking on the wrong plate will kill the runner. The runner should chose the path that goes directly to their exit point, since time on the Taken penumbra/antumbra debuff is limited. If time runs out, the runner dies.

For instance, rock is open, so the rock runner goes & kills the Eye, picking up the buff. They see "penumbra", so they call out "penumbra where do i go and where do i dunk". Someone outside sees that spawn is open, so they call out "spawn is open, dunk rock" (since we read "rock penumbra" in the example in part 1).

Meanwhile, yellow bar Taken Knights will spawn and try to move to the plates and kneel on them. Ad clear must not allow any Taken Knight to get to the plates, otherwise it'll wipe the encounter. Use your swords to push them back while you chunk them down. For this reason, ad clear should not leave their assigned zone except under specific circumstances (knight already down, someone else needs help or a res). Repeat this two more times to dunk on all three plates.

Note that by everyone's favorite principle, you can determine the type of the third plate as soon as you need two. For instance, if it's "rock pen, tree pen" and you get an antumbra, you know it's spawn. Or if it's "rock pen, tree ant" and you've already dunked tree and get another antumbra, you know it's spawn.

Once you've dunked at all three plates, you'll go back to reading, and repeat the both parts two more times for a total of 3 phases.

E5: Riven

Nobody does this legit.

There's two methods for this cheese: mouth damage and foot damage. If you have a Wolfpack Ergo Sum and are having a hard time with method 1, method 2 will work well.

Loadout for Cheesy Method 1: Mouth
  • precision range damage
  • Nothing that does splash damage or area damage or spreads (be careful with ricochet too)
  • Well and Golden Gun are good here, but NOT Blade Barrage, for instance (it can spread over a wide area)
"Joining Allies" resets temporary conditions like Cayde's Retribution and Honed Edge, so be aware that you'll need to regain those if you have to switch sides (easier with Honed Edge, harder with Cayde's Retribution)
Loadout for Cheesy Method 2: Foot
  • Legendary Swords (Legendary for the Ergo Sum Wolfpack rounds)
  • Blade Barrage
  • Well to not die
  • Ergo Sum with Wolfpack rounds is effectively necessary for this method (or something equivalent that drops in the glorious future)
  • Something with a smidge of range for final stand damage (ideally a special here)

Cheesy Part 1: Reading

Everybody stands on a plate. You'll be dropped down alongside Riven's body. While in the air, make your way towards the door with the blue crystal. Enter the room, wait till ads start spawning, and look at the screen on the back wall. If you see a shadow pass across it very shortly after the ads spawn (near immediately), stay in the room (there's also an audio cue, but it's harder to tell), and proceed to part 2.

If not, leave the room, exit, and go shove your face into a particular spot in the wall outside the room. You'll get a "Joining Allies" notification, and if you persist, be teleported back up to the top room. Run over to the chute across the room that takes you back down into the other room, and kill ads until Riven appears.

Cheesy Part 2: DPS

Method 1: Mouth

Go stand over in front of the central pillar that holds the lens. When Riven arrives, shoot her mouth. Do not shoot her eyes, that will trigger a wipe. Don't stop shooting until you're certain you've hit final stand.

Method 2: Foot

Go stand all the way over to (audience) left (stage right) of the encounter space, close to the back. Riven will stick her foot out. Cast Well so that people can stand up against her foot (well should overlap). Wail on her foot for a moment till you get damage numbers, then Hunter's can take a brief break to cast Blade Barrage. Everyone else keep going. Wail till you phase her.

Either way, once you get her down to final stand, you'll be teleported to the Ascendant Realm for another jumping puzzle. If not, you'll wipe.

Part 3: The Jumping Puzzle

Only one person needs to complete this, it'll pull everyone else and anyone who dies can be revived. Taken Phalanxes will try to boop you off, so be careful. Once someone gets to the top of the jumping puzzle, they'll grab (jump through) the Taken Strength, and you'll all be back in the Riven Room

Part 4: Riven DPS (reprise)

Wail on Riven to get her final bit of health down (shoot her in the mouth).

Part 5: DPS the Heart!

Once Riven "dies", her mouth will open up and turn into an entrance/portal. Jump in it, and run down her throat into her stomach, where you'll see a blight. DPS that like nobody's business, or you'll all die. Once you've destroyed that, congrats Riven is dead (as far as Ahamkara can be killed).

But you're not quite done with the raid yet! (you're done with this encounter tho)

Legit Riven

// TODO: fill this in

E6: Queenswalk

You remember the whole raid in reverse, right?

  • Ad clear
  • single-person speed boosts like ST0MP-EE5 are actually counter-productive here unless everyone can match pace (and Ascension doesn't actually speed up the heart-carrier either, so that's also not useful)
Buffs are bad (here)!

Buffs can push the Fate's Chosen counter off your buff list, leaving you unable to tell time, which will ruin the run. Ensure that you minimize/remove buff-giving things:

  • Fragments and Aspects that give buffs (e.g. Facet of Protection, fragments & aspects that give radian)
  • Armor Charge mods
  • Artifact mods
  • Cure (healing grenades, but this one is somewhat unavoidable, just be aware)
  • Certain weapons that give shared buffs (like Pack Hunter, harder to avoid, but be aware)



One person will get Fate's Chosen before the encounter starts. They'll be able to pick up the heart. Make sure everyone's ready, and do so. Once they have the heart, a dome will form around them. Everyone wants to stay in the dome, otherwise they'll accrue a debuff which will kill you at 10 stacks.

Run up the throat as the dome slowly shrinks and the Fate's chosen buff timer counts down. The buff holder should audibly count with the buff timer Once the timer reaches 3 seconds, everyone should step out of the dome (this is around the edge of the tongue). The buff holder, and anyone still in the dome, will be "killed", the kill feed will announce a new person as being chosen, and they'll pick up the buff and keep running with the rest of the folks.

Afterwards, each person will ideally get two phases of running with the heart (see below). It's a good idea to stay out the the dome starting at 3s, and then re-enter after the first phase, but either way it's definitely necessary to stay out of the dome at the end of a person's second phase.


Meanwhile, anyone who was killed will find themselves inside Riven's Heart (look up, you can see the hands of the person carrying the heart). Taken Strength pickups will appear in the heart the first time each person picks up the heart. Your goal is to collect the final Taken Strength at 3 seconds. This will reset the buff-holder's buff, given them more time to run with the heart. When done correctly, each holder of the heart should get 2 "phases" of buff.

There will be more Taken Strength inside the heart as more people get sucked in. Anyone who's not the first heart holder should pick up their Strength immediately, but leave the last Taken Strength for the first heart holder. As first heart holder, it's your job to take that final strength at the 3-5 second mark.

The Path

Run the raid backwards.

Likely drop points are listed below, but YMMV -- drop when appropriate (except for the tongue, always drop there)

  • leave Riven's mouth (drop just before the tip of the tongue, not off the edge -- you don't want the heart falling off the tongue due to timing)
  • go through the room, then through the left door in the next room (drop just before the sea of Taken blight)
  • jump across the sea of Taken blight, towards the Vault (probably drop right before the vault or just inside it)
  • head into the Vault, back through either the tree or rock room -- one of the two will be open, and have an unblocked path that goes via the closed room (i.e. going the long way around to spawn), out to the Vault spawn room (drop somewhere towards the end)
  • down the spawn hole, up the stairs. Use your interact key to dunk the heart in the pit at the top of the stairs.

It's traditional to call out "DPS the heart!" at this point. This does absolutely nothing, but we all find it funny, because we're irrevocably broken


At this point, you can use your ephemeral keys to open any of the chests in front of you. If you did Wish 1 at the beginning and this is your first run with that Wish, you'll have two keys, so use both. Good luck!